Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Clear Beautiful Skin

Tips for flawless skin. I may not have it, but I can help you achieve better and clearer-looking skin.

My skin isn't perfect. I have oily, acne-prone skin. I have phases where it's suddenly super clear (I might have one or two really small blemishes) and other times where I just want to hide under a paper bag. 

I've tried many things on my skin and found a few that worked wonders for me.

The first key to clearer skin is to wash your face regularly, once in the morning and once before going to bed. I use the St. Yves Green Tea Scrub when I wake up and in the evening my Clarisonic. Although it might be expensive, I think it was a good investment for me. It has really washed out my pores and gotten rid of a lot of my blackheads, it also leaves your face baby-butt soft! I'd like to mention though that you should only use it once a day, if you have sensitive skin, because it can start to over dry the skin. 

I also highly suggest removing all of your makeup before sleeping, because it can clog pores. I like to use the Bioderma makeup remover. It's great for sensitive skin, It does not sting and removes 95% of my makeup!

For those nasty zits that come up at the wrong time I like to dab on some Epiduo gel.  In my opinion, this product is revolutionary. It dries out blemishes really fast. I love it! But I do recommend using it once every two days because it is very drying. I would also suggest that you not wear it in the sun.

As for face masks I suggest doing them on a weekly basis. I have recently fell in love with yoghurt oatmeal face masks! It is so easy and effective. All you need is one tablespoon of plain yoghurt and one tablespoon of oatmeal, mix together and apply! I let it dry for about 20 minutes and then wash it off. This mask is good for people who have acne prone skin. I use it when my skin is feeling dry. When I wash it off my face instantly feels smoother and softer.

Another face mask I like to use is made simply with egg yolk. My siblings make fun of me when I wear this because they say I look like I belong in The Simpsons and I agree with them! Although you might look silly this mask is good, when your skin is feeling icky. It helps tighten pores, clear acne and leaves skin glowing! The great part about this facial is that it is so easy to do. All you need is one egg yolk, mix it with a fork and apply on the face with a clean foundation, paintbrush or fingers and let dry for about 20 minutes. 

The last tip I have for clearer skin is eat healthy. I know it's really hard to break from nasty food habits so trying to get rid of them completely will not work. I suggest taking it step-by-step. I also find it better to allow yourself some junk food to avoid bigger temptations that might lead to complete indulgence!

